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How the fake about Alina Hrosu's diplomatic post was spread by the Ukrainian media

The fake story about Alina Hrosu allegedly receiving a diplomatic post in New York has once again reminded us of the lack of proper fact-checking in the Ukrainian media. Thus, despite the lack of confirmed information, a number of major media outlets spread the news, citing the singer's social media. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has officially denied the claims about Hrosu's position.

Singer Alina Hrosu has NOT been appointed to a diplomatic post in New York, despite widespread reports in Ukrainian media. This situation highlights the importance of proper news verification and fact-checking within Ukraine’s media landscape.

Yesterday, several Ukrainian news outlets began reporting that Alina Hrosu, famous for her song “Bdzhilka” (Bee), had been appointed to a diplomatic post in New York. 

 TSN, for instance, claimed: "The singer has officially become a permanent representative of Ukrainian culture. This was announced by the head of diplomatic relations between the United States and other UN countries during Hrosu’s concert in New York".

Other major outlets, including, Channel 24,, Bukvy,, and many more, echoed the story.

Correction: was mistakenly included in the list of outlets that spread this fake news. In fact, a Google search result showed a misleading headline: “Alina Hrosu has received a diplomatic post in the United States” (as seen in the screenshot in the comments section). However,’s editor-in-chief, Lesia Hasych, clarified that this was merely a SEO title, inserted for search optimization purposes. It was not intended as a news headline, according to Lesia. We apologize for this oversight and urge caution when dealing with SEO titles, which can mislead readers, as demonstrated in this case. 

While TSN referenced unnamed “officials,” other outlets simply quoted Hrosu’s Instagram post. 

In the post, the singer actually mentioned attending a dinner with New York City Mayor Eric Adams. Toward the end of a video shared online, Hrosu's translator can be heard saying that she is now “the official representative of Ukrainian culture in New York.” 

Hrosu herself added, “I will try to do my best.”

However, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine swiftly debunked this claim, calling Hrosu’s words utter nonsense. 

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Heorhiy Tykhyi stated that the singer’s claims were baseless and that he had more important things to attend to. 

"We don’t know where the information about Alina Hrosu receiving a diplomatic post in New York came from. Given the widespread media attention, we must clarify that Alina Hrosu holds no full-time or part-time positions in Ukraine’s diplomatic service", Tykhyi wrote on his Facebook page.

 Following this official statement, several outlets corrected their earlier reports about Alina Hrosu allegedly receiving a diplomatic post in New York. Nonetheless, as of 3 a.m., several media outlets, including TSN, had yet to retract the false story small logo

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Halyna Dolynna
Halyna Dolynna
editor of the English texts
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