Aid to the

Precautionary measures in response to statements by Belarusian terrorists

Two hospitals in Kyiv were urgently evacuated today. This followed threats from the head of the Belarusian KGB, Ivan Tertel, who said that Ukraine was allegedly hiding terrorists and saboteurs in these hospitals. However, Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko emphasises that this is an absolute lie and a provocation of the enemy.

Today, two hospitals, including one dedicated to child care, were swiftly evacuated in Kyiv. The Kyiv City State Administration cited a video that warned of an impending enemy attack on the city’s medical facilities, allegedly housing military personnel

This precautionary measure comes in response to the information warfare and rhetoric from belarusian terrorists. 

Ivan Tertel, head of the belarusian KGB, delivered terrorist threats against Ukrainians during the VII All-Belarusian People’s Assembly on April 25, declaring: 

“All these faces, their activities, and the committee plans are well known to us… In the fight against terrorism, we act decisively in accordance with the laws of wartime. There are both dead and wounded terrorists; and no doubt all of them will be punished… even though they chose Kyiv hospitals at 30 and 32 Bohatyrska Street as their hideaway…where they actually hid behind the backs of sick children.”

The Kyiv City State Administration rebuked these claims as outright lies and enemy provocations aimed at justifying the attack on the capital’s social infrastructure.

At 18:46, Mayor Vitali Klitschko responded to the evacuation. 

“Doctors are working in a coordinated manner; ambulances are taking patients to other hospitals in the city. We are sparing no effort to shield children, their parents, patients, and staff from any potential attack on these medical facilities, as announced by the aggressor,” he wrote.

Klitschko also mentioned the threatening video in his statement.

At 18:47, the Kyiv City Military Administration responded, labelling the belarusian threats as an information assault. 

“So far, there has been no confirmation of russia’s intent to launch such strikes,” remarked Serhiy Popko, head of the military administration.  

At 19:07, the Security Service of Ukraine issued a statement echoing Popko’s.

“The SBU urges the public to view any assertions from belarusian authorities regarding mythical terrorists allegedly staying in Ukrainian hospitals as part of a broader information and psychological warfare campaign playing into the hands of the russian federation.”

Despite this, security rules and “action protocols” were followed “to mitigate negative consequences of even a hypothetical threat.”

At 19:58, Klitschko confirmed that all patients and medical personnel had been evacuated from the hospitals on Bohatyrska Street.

“I’d like to thank the doctors, technical support staff, and ambulance crews for their prompt and well-coordinated response! Preserving lives and ensuring safety remain our utmost priorities!” he wrote

As a reminder, we recently recounted how belarusian propaganda outlets parrot kremlin narratives and justify the crimes of the russian army in Ukraine small logo

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Halyna Dolynna
Halyna Dolynna
editor of the English texts
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