Aid to the

“National Viche” of state traitors – or collaborators in exile

Our readers have drawn our attention to the website of the “All-Ukrainian National Viche”. The initiative group associated with this organization is currently gathering signatures for the “Declaration of Defense of the Ukrainian People”. An online video of a meeting of this “viche” (popular assembly), purportedly attended by “459 Ukrainian citizens from 35 countries”, is also circulating. The participants claim to have successfully formulated a “declaration” in compliance with the Ukrainian Constitution. According to this declaration, the Ukrainian people will be granted the opportunity to remove President Zelenskyi and establish the “sole legitimate representation of the Ukrainian people”. However, in order for this to occur, individuals must sign the document on the website

The video of the meeting was uploaded to a YouTube channel that predominantly shares a particular type of content, including active anti-Ukrainian propaganda, fake news about NATO and protests in Georgia, and attempts to discredit the Armed Forces of Ukraine. A familiar figure, Mykola  - oops,sorry, Mikola – Azarov (if you still remember him) often provides commentary on events in Ukraine. 

The website was specifically created for the purpose of collecting signatures, and its design closely resembles that of the official state portal, Diia. We checked it and confirmed that the signature collection is indeed real. However, it’s worth noting that it was initiated by individuals who fled Ukraine and most of them are currently residing in russia. These fugitives are actively spreading hostile narratives against Ukraine. 

The individual behind the initiation of the “national viche” is Dmytro Vasylets, who is referred to as a “Kyiv journalist”, although he’s actually a blogger. In his online posts, Vasylets promotes the “russian world”, disseminates propaganda “temnyky” (media guidelines), and criticizes the process of decommunization, among other things. He’s also the founder of the Derzhava political party, which was forcibly disbanded last year following a decision made by the National Security and Defense Council. We also uncovered additional information indicating that Vasylets had been sentenced to nine years in prison in 2018 for assisting russian militants. However, the verdict was later overturned by the Kyiv Court of Appeal. 

The remaining participants and members of the “initiative group” are described as human rights defenders, journalists, and civic activists. However, we discovered their names listed on the “Board of Shame” maintained by Detector Media and among the roster of traitors compiled by the Chesno movement.

Oleksandr Semchenko, for instance, operates a YouTube blog where he disseminates fake news and undermines the credibility of Ukraine. Among his various statements, he shared with his 800,000 subscribers the claim that he masturbates onto the soviet flag, while expressing a lack of similar desire towards the Ukrainian flag.

Valentyn Rybin is a lawyer by profession. In 2016, he defended Aleksandrov, a GRU officer, who, together with another combatant named Erofeev, was found guilty of perpetrating a terrorist attack resulting in the death of Ukrainian soldier Vadym Puhachov. Rybin also acted as the defense attorney for three former members of the Kharkiv-based Berkut special forces who fled to russia. Additionally, he served as the lawyer for Brazilian national Rafael Lusvarghi, who fought in the Donbas on the side of the terrorists. Notably, Rybin ran as a candidate from Shariy’s political party. In March 2022, he was granted permission to relocate to Spain, citing his status as a father of three children.

Oleksandr Skubchenko is mentioned on the internet as a “public activist and the head of the Housing Union of Ukraine”. He’s recognized for his consistent support of Viktor Medvedchuk and his For Life party. Skubchenko frequently appeared on manipulative websites, contributing relevant articles or comments. 

Pavlo Onyshchenko is the leader of the Kharkiv-based organization Poton. He was previously suspected of plotting the assassination of SBU officers. However, in March 2022, he was released from custody and pledged to join the territorial defense forces and engage as a volunteer aid worker. Instead, he chose to relocate to Europe, citing his status as a father of four children. Currently, he produces propaganda videos from russia.

Maksym Shykhaliyev is a blogger, athlete, and coach who is recognized as the founder of the Lichnaya Svoboda (Personal Freedom) Fight Club. Through his YouTube channel, he actively undermines the credibility of the Ukrainian government and the Armed Forces of Ukraine by consistently “refuting” official statements made by Ukrainian authorities.

So, this “initiative group” of state traitors is urging Ukrainians to sign a “declaration” and seize control of power. The intentions behind the “national viche” are clear: to destabilize the situation within Ukraine and discredit the current government. Additionally, they aim to gather personal data from our citizens. 

Individuals who are willing to participate and vote would unknowingly be providing their personal information to the enemy. The website claims to be located outside the territory of Ukraine and declares itself as “inaccessible to Zelenskyiy and NATO countries”. Supposedly, all information isn’t stored on the server. However, there are two voting methods proposed. The first involves uploading one’s own photograph against a two-page spread of a Ukrainian passport on the website. The second method requires downloading the “declaration”, signing it using a personal digital key in Diia.Signature, and subsequently submitting the document to the website. 

We suspect that these passport details may “surface” later on and be exploited in pseudo-sociological surveys or even utilized in fake “referendums”.

The news of the “national viche” received little attention in the Ukrainian information space. However, it gained significant coverage in russian media, where it was portrayed as the beginning of a “coup d'état”. Propagandists have also speculated that Viktor Medvedchuk was involved in the online voting. They allege that prior to the invasion, Medvedchuk engaged in similar activities, accepting funds and fabricating reports to portray widespread support for russia and discontent with the current Ukrainian government. Furthermore, approximately a month ago, Medvedchuk made an appearance on belarusian television. During the interview, he announced the launch of a new political project called “Drugaya Ukraina” (Alternative Ukraine), in collaboration with former members of the Opposition Platform - For Life party who had sought refuge in russia. Medvedchuk stated their intention to “demonopolize President Zelenskyi’s right to represent Ukraine internationally”.

Amidst the attempts of russia-based state traitors to simulate discontent among Ukrainians and sow discord within society, it’s worth revisiting the outcome of a significant vote. On December 1, 1991, an all-Ukrainian referendum took place, in which 84.18% of eligible voters (31,891,742 individuals) participated. Among those who cast their votes, an overwhelming majority of 90.32% (28,804,071 citizens) expressed their support for Ukraine’s independence and their desire to live in a sovereign state small logo

Альона Маліченко
Альона Маліченко
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Halyna Dolynna
Halyna Dolynna
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