How the SPRAVDI project refuted a fake from numerologists and legalised pseudoscience at the same time

The SPRAVDI Telegram channel published a refutation of claims that numerologists had allegedly predicted the date of Ukraine’s surrender. However, while debunking this, the post inadvertently legitimized numerology.
What’s this all about?
For months, an image has been circulating online showing “calculations” that supposedly predict the end of the russian-Ukrainian war. These calculations are based on adding up the dates of the First and Second World Wars. The absurdity of such numerical manipulation is obvious, so we won’t delve into it here.
The problem
The real problem lies in SPRAVDI’s approach to debunking. The post cites comments from “professional numerologist” Liudmyla Vladyka, who is said to have pointed out inaccuracies in the original calculations. This is where the issue begins.
By focusing on her “professionalism”" and offering her “expert opinion,” the post implies that there are professional and non-professional practitioners of this pseudo-science.
Numerologists, astrologers, psychics, seers, and healers all belong to the same realm of pseudo-science. Their activities mislead people, and there is no such thing as a professional, genuine, or divinely gifted numerologist.
When fact-checkers give a platform to one numerologist to refute another, it suggests there are legitimate professionals in this field, which is simply untrue.
Unfortunately, this can lead to more people believing in this pseudo-science, seeking out these individuals for guidance, and wasting their time, money, and hopes.
Moreover, SPRAVDI’s post links to a video from the YouTube channel “Breakfast with 1+1,” where numerologist Liudmyla Vladyka “debunks” the unprofessional numerologists. The 1+1 channel is well-known for promoting content that, to say the least, helps scammers gain popularity. If a SPRAVDI reader watches the video, they will, of course, be exposed to even more nonsense.
For instance, the video claims that numbers don’t lie because Pythagoras himself believed in their power, and that the number 5 is linked to materials, wealth and conflict — claims that are, frankly, absurd!
“Predicting” the future
Naturally, the “professional” numerologist Liudmyla Vladyka also offers her thoughts on the end of the war:
“We can, of course, calculate many dates, and such energies can emerge multiple times a year. But the end of the war depends not only on numerology and dates, but also on astrological processes. I’ll be frank… unfortunately, this year, we cannot expect the war to end based on astrological or numerological forecasts.”
Reminder: The SPRAVDI project was created under Ukraine’s Ministry of Culture and Information Policy as part of the country’s efforts to counter disinformation through the combined efforts of state and civil society
Prepared by Dmytro Filipchuk.