Aid to the

Why "The Kid's Word" is not a story of conscience and justice, but of imperialism and propaganda

The Russian TV series "The Kid's Word", which is quite popular in Ukraine, is characterised by blatant propaganda justifying the political regime of modern Russia. In the series, we found many references supporting the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and we also noticed manifestations of hatred for the United States and love for the Russian totalitarian system.

For those who believe they’re tuning into a trendy children’s show focused on morality and justice titled “The Kid’s Word,” we’ve assembled a collection of explicit references that leave little room for doubt - this is propaganda aligning with the current agenda of the so-called russia, even justifying the invasion of Ukraine:

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  • One character attempts to uncover the SS emblem and Nazism in the name of the music band Kiss. Any word with a doubling of the English letter “s” is portrayed as potential Nazi propaganda, particularly in a country where the Nazi narrative is actively constructed. The founders of the band Kiss, Gene Simmons (a native of Israel) and Paul Stanley, both have Jewish roots, with Simmons publicly expressing pride in his Jewish heritage and condemning Putin’s spread of hatred in the world.
  •  A narrative insert recounts the escape of Soviet pilot Mikhail Devyatayev from German captivity, with a mandatory emphasis on his status as a “Hero of the Soviet Union”…
  • A protagonist takes pride in sharing a birthday with Vladimir Lenin, the “founder of the Soviet Union.”
  • The show depicts hatred for the “USA” inscription on a cap, the use of the term “amerikos,” a lack of understanding of American music, and the insistence on playing “their own kind of music.” This aligns perfectly with the prevalent sentiment among ordinary russians that views America as the primary enemy, believing that the USA wishes harm upon russia, rather than those in power in the kremlin today.
  • A direct justification for current aggression is stated: “only the ability to defend our homeland saves us from invasion,” echoing the narrative that “if we didn’t attack, NATO would attack us.”
  • The series goes so far as to justify the war in Afghanistan by claiming “our people” are there and they will die without help - another reference to current events. In July 2023, putin justified the invasion of Ukraine, stating, “In order to protect the people in Donbas. These are our people. They feel a part of our nation. And it’s our duty to stand up and protect them.” It’s as if a quote from the russian dictator had been woven into the script of the series.

In the initial months of the full-scale war, the sudden and widespread intrusion of a russian series into Ukrainian information space seemed inconceivable. However, it’s now become the “new normal.” The strategy seems simple enough - just avoid showing putin’s portraits on the walls and Ukrainians being killed.

Our Kharkiv-based author, Yevhen Lisichkin, undertook the difficult task of watching the series for educational purposes  small logo

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Halyna Dolynna
Halyna Dolynna
editor of the English texts
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