Information chaos around the Kursk operation: how telegram channels are manipulating their readers
As soon as the Kursk operation commenced, various Telegram channels began “informing” Ukrainians about the unfolding events. Dubious news, tasteless jokes, memes, photos, and videos were disseminated at lightning speed. It was not surprising to see readers in search of the latest updates from the battlefield eagerly consuming such news. Unsurprisingly, many of these anonymous Telegram channels regularly publish unverified information, often based on hearsay or rumours. Some go even further, bending backwards to spread distasteful jokes, Russian disinformation, and outright fabrications within the stream of information.
Let’s take a look at a few recent examples and discuss the possible consequences.
On August 9, the anonymous Telegram channel “✙ Vertical” posted articles about “women from Rylsk (a city in the so-called russia – Behind the News) are still waiting for their men” and “two weddings in Sudzha.” These are clearly foolish attempts at humour, and we hope that most readers recognize them as such.
What’s the problem with such “jokes”?
- First, they unjustly tarnish the reputation of the Ukrainian military;
- Second, they provide russian propagandists with material that can be exploited for their own purposes.
- Third, they flood the information space surrounding a serious topic with lots of useless noise.
Journalist Tetiana Troshchynska addressed these issues on her Facebook page, stating:
“I would like to inform the TV channel that any sexual acts by the military against people living in the occupied territories cannot be considered consensual and cannot be considered a relationship - this is the position of the International Criminal Court. By writing this kind of “humour,” what does this TV channel do to the authority and reputation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces? To whom does it equate them? And what is it accusing them of?”
Following public outcry, the anonymous administrators of the channel attempted to justify their posts and subsequently removed some of them. However, the damage was already done; the information, once consumed, remains in the minds of those who read it. Notably, the administrators’ apology lacked detailed explanations regarding which posts had been deleted, leaving readers without a clear understanding of the situation.
Manipulation for advertising purposes: “Large-scale shelling”
We have observed how the current situation in the Kursk Region is being exploited by administrators of anonymous Telegram channels (at least six identified) for advertising purposes. These channels are spreading claims about alleged “large-scale shelling” that Russia is supposedly preparing in response.
“Russia is planning a bombing and missile attack. We are expecting a large number of Shaheds, Tu-95MS, Tu-22MZ, Mig-31K, Kalibr and Iskander missiles. The exact date of the attack and details have already been published…” read the adverts.
After the word "published", administrators provide a link to a specific Telegram channel where readers can supposedly find more details. However, the channel is closed and requires an application to join. This shameful and deceptive tactic is an attempt to increase subscriber numbers by exploiting public concern over potential shelling.
It’s important to note that these administrators have NO reliable information about possible attacks. Shelling can occur on any day and follow any missile trajectory. What these administrators do know is that messages about “shelling” are eagerly shared by readers. After all, who wouldn’t want to inform friends and family about a “large-scale bombing”?
A similar method was employed during the blackout schedules, with advertising posts directing users to closed channels claiming to publish the REAL blackout schedules. We wrote about this here.
Russian fakes
Fortunately, the Kursk operation is shrouded in the fog of war. Ukrainian Telegram channel administrators, lacking accurate information about the actual hostilities, are increasingly relying on Russian sources. It’s crucial to remember that this information is unverified and may be deliberately created by Russians to misinform Ukrainians. For instance, some reports from so-called “war correspondents” describe battles between Ukrainian and Russian forces for, let’s say, town X, only to later claim that Russian forces have heroically taken control.
But did the battles for town X really take place? The reality is often uncertain. Such information, when broadcast in the Ukrainian information space, can demoralize and misinform readers, creating the impression that Ukrainian forces are being defeated while Russian forces achieve impressive results.
Inappropriate jokes about rape that discredit the Ukrainian military, emotional disinformation about rocket attacks spread for advertising purposes, and inaccurate information about fighting in the Kursk Region are just some examples of the problematic content that Telegram channels produce to gain new followers and increase their reach.
Today, we can clearly see the dark side of anonymity and how the thirst for popularity contributes to the spread of highly unethical information
Prepared by Dmytro Filipchuk.